Sunday, February 5, 2012

Vintage Cellar Wine Tasting January 30, 2012

When it comes to wine I'm still a newbie to it all. I have only tried a couple of wine and I have never been to a wine tasting...until today...
After oversleeping for three classes, I decided to go the Vintage Cellar for their wine tasting event. They had numerous red and white wines available for tasting.

Wines I Tasted:

Spanish Wines Sauvignon Blanc

-I really liked this one. I had a tart smell to it and it was very sweet. I also thought that it was very smooth going down. This would be a wine that I would recommend and would buy in the future.

Faraway Farm Cabernet Sauvignon

-I always thought that any type of Cabernet would have a sweet taste to it, I was wrong.  The first thing I did with this was smell the wine and it had a fruity smell to it. But when it came to tasting it, to me it tasted like oak and it was a tad bit bitter as well.  Maybe if i was to try it again it would be different but I highly doubt it.

But the one that I really liked to most (and purchased that day) was the Crane Lake Moscato

-The first wine that I had ever tasted was a Moscato. I think that it is safe to say that that is my safe wine to drink.  This one as soon as I tasted it, I knew it had to come home with me. The smell and taste of very sweet and for 7 bucks who could go wrong with this wine? If someone asked me to recommend a wine, I would highly recommend this one.

The wine tasting for me was something new and I can't wait to go to more in the future.

Until next time,
Jelisa :)

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